What is phimosis?* Phimosis is a condition in which the foreskin can’t be retracted (pulled back) from around the tip of the penis. A tight foreskin is common in baby boys who aren’t circumcised, but it usually stops being a problem by the age of 3. Phimosis can occur naturally or be the result of scarring. Young boys may not need treatment for phimosis unless it makes urinating difficult or causes other symptoms. As these boys grow up, the need for treatment may increase. *Symptoms of phimosis* The main symptom of phimosis is the inability to retract the foreskin by the age of 3. The foreskin usually loosens over time, but this process can take longer in some boys. By around the age of 17, a boy should be able to easily retract his foreskin. Another common symptom of phimosis is a swelling of the foreskin while urinating. *Causes of this condition* Phimosis can occur naturally. It’s unclear why it occurs in some boys but not others. The condition can also occur if the foreskin i...