By Jones H.M-MBA
Assessment for delivery starts at the second stage of labor, which is the full cervical dilatation until the birth of t. he baby. This would be a crucial time since the mother would need to deliver her baby at this stage without any troubles and with her strength intact so she could push for a normal vaginal delivery.
Assess the responses of the mother towards the intensity and duration of the contractions.
Assess the comfortability of the mother with her birthing position.
Assess her breathing techniques if they are effective or could add to the difficulty that the mother might be experiencing.
Assess the ability of the support person to assist the mother during labor and birth.
Assess the fetal heart sounds to make sure that there is no occlusion in the cord that could hinder fetal circulation.
Assess if the environment is comfortable for both the mother and the baby.
The difficulties that the mother may encounter during delivery are endless. Not all deliveries have gone smoothly, so every caregiver must be capable of whipping up a diagnosis and care plan immediately to assist the mother towards a safe and meaningful delivery.
Pain related to intensity of uterine contractions
The place of birth must be prepared prior to delivery.
For multigravidas, preparation of the room could start when the cervix has dilated to 9 to 10 cm.
For primiparas, preparation of the birth place should start when the head has crowned to the size of a quarter.
The newborn care area must also be prepared within the same room and include supplies for eye care, suction and resuscitation equipment, radiant heat warmer, sterile towels, and identification of the newborn.
The mother should choose a position that will be most comfortable for her during birth.
Alternative birthing positions today are the dorsal recumbent position, the lateral Sim’s position, squatting, and semi-sitting.
A health care provider must be situated at the foot of the birthing table already so that the infant would not fall off if birth happened precipitously.
Now that the care plan is already established, time to take some action and implement those interventions listed on your cheat sheet.
If the client has a birth plan, make sure all health care providers are aware of her individual preferences.
Encourage the mother to void before delivery to reduce the discomfort.
Allow client to take ice chips or hard candies for relief of dry mouth.
Provide a comfortable environment for both the mother and the baby.
Allow the client to assume a birthing position of her choice as long as it is not contraindicated.
Assist the client in venting out any emotions with regards to her delivery experience.
A care plan would not be complete if no evaluation was done to test the effectiveness of your plan.
Client will be able to manage her discomfort using nonpharmacologic methods.
Client will be able to identify other pain relief measures.
Client has no signs of bladder distention and can void every 2 hours.
Client states that she has reduced or no mouth discomfort.
Client states that the environment is comfortable enough.
Client reports that the delivery is a tolerable and highly meaningful part of her life.
Nothing could ever make our hearts glow than seeing and cradling our own bundle of flesh and blood for the first time. A woman will indeed feel the fullness and completeness of her life once she bore children and the realization that they have grown inside of her because she nourished them will last for the entirety of her lifetime and inspire her every day of her life.


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