Encircle the most appropriate answer ONE (1) MARK EACH.


1.     Mental disorders are defined by

a)    Confirmation of how the individual acts

b)    Behavior and what the individual thinks

c)     How the person feels, acts and perceives things

d)    Talking a lot

2.     The term Psych from psychiatry in Greek means:-

a)    Disease

b)    Confusion

c)     Mental processes

d)    Healing

3.     Psychiatry nursing is a speciality concerned with

a)    People’s health

b)    Application of health principles in nursing care

c)     Application of psychiatric principles in nursing care

d)    Patients with mental problems

4.     A mental disorder manifested with severe impaired thinking, emotions and behavior is called

a)    Schizophrenia

b)    Hallucinations

c)     Mania

d)    Hypomania

5.     The biggest mental health hospital, Chainama Hills was opened in

a)    1962

b)    1960

c)     1964

d)    1965


6.     Training of enrolled psychiatric nurse at Chainama Hills Hospital started in

a)    1967

b)    1966

c)     1968

d)    1980

7.     Psychiatric patients at times believe that there thoughts are known by other people. This is called

a)    Thought broadcasting

b)    Thought insertion

c)     Hallucinations

d)    Thought withdraw

8.     A mental disorder characterized by persecutory delusions and inflicting harm is known as

a)     Simple schizophrenia

b)     Paranoid schizophrerenia

c)      Catatonic schizophrenia

d)     Hebephrenia schizophrenia

9.     A mood disorder is also referred to as

a)    affective disorder

b)    Irritable disorder

c)     Cognitive disorder

d)    Mania

10. The following are causes of mood disorders EXCEPT

a)    Hereditary factors

b)    Emotional stability

c)     Stressful life events

d)    Illnesses



11. The following are examples of obsessive behavior except

a)    Fear of losing things

b)    Fear of contamination

c)     Fear of losing a spouse

d)    Severe anxiety

12. Panic disorder is common in

a)    Women

b)    Children

c)     Men

d)    Females and men

13. Cognitive behavioral therapy is indicated in

a)    anxiety disorder

b)    Panic disorder

c)     Compulsive disorder

d)    Mood disorder

14. Anxiety which results from traumatic experience is called

a)    Stress disorder

b)    Pre stress disorder

c)     Post traumatic disorder

d)    Traumatic disorder

15. Persistent and emotional fear of any specific object or situation is called

a)    Stress

b)    Phobia

c)     Phobic stress

d)    Emotional upset

16. Fear of a situation in which an individual may be exposed to scrutiny by others is known as

a)    Agoraphobia

b)    Social phobia

c)     Photophobia

d)    Phobia

17. The common type of phobia among women is

a)    Social phobia

b)    Specific phobia

c)     Photophobia

d)    Agoraphobia

18. Which of the following is not commonly associated with a psychiatric disorder

a)    Anxiety

b)    Personality changes

c)     Agitation

d)    Good memory

19. A relationship in which the client is helped to make a decision is called

a)    Teaching

b)    Communication

c)     Counselling

d)    Friendship

20. Treatment  of a mental patient through psychological method is also known as

a)    Psychotherapy

b)    Phototherapy

c)     Chemotherapy

d)    Pharmacotherapy


21. The acronym that best demonstrates and summarizes behavior during counselling sessions is known as…………

a.      Counselling therapy

b.     Behavior modification

c.      Soler

d.     Counselling skills





22. The inability to recognize objects and people is known as…..

a.     Alogia

b.     Apraxia

c.     Agnosia

d.     Aphasia

23. The most common cause of dementia is

a.     HIV/AIDS

b.     Cerebral vascular accident

c.     Stroke

d.     Alzheimer’s disease

24. The type of Schizophrenia where a person has symptoms of both Schizophrenia and a major mood disorder such as depression is called:-

a)    Paranoid Schizophrenia

b)    Catatonic Schizophrenia

c)     Schizoaffective disorder

d)    Simple Schizophrenia

25. Anxiety is caused by….

a.     Objective threat

b.     Subjective perceived threat

c.     Hostility turned to self

d.     Masked depression

26. Which drug is mostlyq indicated in anxiety

a.     Modicate

b.     Lithium

c.     Prozac

d.     Valium

27. Fragmented thinking means……………….

a)    Beating about the bush

b)    Having disjointed ideas

c)     Ideas coming into your mind frequently

d)    Repeating what the interviewer says

28. The only institution in Zambia ,which is used to confine people who have committed homicide or   grievous bodily harm to others, as a result of being insane is;.

a)    Chainama North

b)    Chainama west

c)     Chainama South

d)    Chainama East

29. Which one of the following drugs is a tricyclic anti-depressant

a.     Iripiprazole

b.     Imipramine

c.     Trifluoperazine

d.     Diazepam

30. …….. is an anti-psychotic drug belonging to the family of typical antipsychotics

a.     Sertraline

b.     Trifluoperazine

c.     Imipramine

d.     Iripiprazole

31. Which one of these best describes self-awareness skills

a.     It is about teaching the patient step by step way of changing bad behavior and learn good behaviour.

b.     It’s about inspecting oneself inwardly

c.     Its about training patient to express themselves in an appropriate way

d.     Its about helping patient change abnormal behavior

32. An affective disorder which presents with elation of mood and increased psychomotor activities is called………………

a.      MDD

b.     Neurosis

c.     Mania

d.     Hysteria



33. Thought broadcasting is described as……..

a.     Thoughts made aware to oneself

b.     Belief that thoughts are being taken away from oneself.

c.     A belief that ones thoughts are being shared by others

d.     Misinterpretation of external stimuli

34. A form of hostile aggression that does damage to another's peer relationships, as in social exclusion or rumor spreading

a.     Hostile aggression

b.     Relational aggression

c.     Instrumental aggression

d.     Fear induced aggression

35. ........are internal debates in which arguments for and against even the simplest   every day actions are reviewed endlessly.

a.     Obsessional phobias

b.     Obsessional doubts

c.     Obsessional rumination

d.     Obsessional rituals

36. Echopraxia is defined as…..

                                         a.     Purposeless imitation of others

                                        b.     Absence of emotional expression in person

                                         c.     Difficulties in finding the right word

                                        d.     False perception or response to stimulus


37. The outward expression of the immediate experience of emotions at a given time is called..

                                         a.     Mood

                                        b.     Illusion

                                         c.     Behaviour

                                        d.     Affect



38. …… is the knowledge and skills people need to have to live in the community.

a.     Assertive skills

b.     Counselling skill

c.     Reacreation skills

d.     Social skill

39.  Examples of social skills include all of the following except:

a.     Holding conversations

b.     Establishing and maintaining friendships

c.     Dating

d.     Deviance

40. Grooming is an example of……..

a.     Assertive skills

b.     Behavioural modification skills

c.     Social skills

d.     Counselling skills

41. Numerous activities and skills that are a part of leading a happy and successful life are collectively known as…..

a.     Behavioural modification skills

b.     Social skills

c.     Counselling skills

d.     Stress management skills

42. Different ways of changing abnormal behavior include:

a.     Classical conditioning

b.     Operant conditioning

c.     Modelling

d.     All of the above

43. The several types of admissions in psychiatry include all of the following except:

a.     Voluntary

b.     Emergency

c.     Involuntary

d.     Elective

44. Discharge planning involves working through phases, and in the ………..the admitting nurse and multi-disciplinary team hold a meeting with the client and relatives  in which they together begin to plan  for the patient’s eventual discharge upon recovery.

a.     Working phase

b.     Termination phase

c.     Introduction phase

d.     Termination phase


45. During the …………….. the community mental health team may be called upon to make a home visit to assess the home environment before a patient goes there.

a.     Norming phase

b.     Working phase

c.     Termination phase

d.     Introduction phase


46. The ……… is a transition phase in which the patient passes from a mental hospital to the community and in which the patient is discharged.

a.   Working phase

b.     Termination phase

c.     Introduction phase

d.     Norming  phase


47.  Brian a psychiatric patient was heard formulating a sentence as follows “Braid, raid and aid.” Which disordered speech pattern is this?

a.     Word salad

b.     Neologism

c.     Clang association

d.     Echolalia

48.  Mary from a female ward was fond of coining the phrase “Bing boom, big bang, a ragged rascal who bought a bang gang round the rocks.” Which disordered speech pattern is this?

a.     Word salads

b.     Neologism

c.     Clang association

d.     Echolalia

49.  Actions that result from ideas that come into one’s mind frequently are known as………….

a.     Obsessive rituals

b.     Compulsions

c.     Waxy flexibility

d.     Habits

50. ………… is the interaction between people and their environment based on stimuli and responses.

a.     Counselling

b.     Socialization

c.     Communication

d.     association

1.     c) How the person feels, acts, and perceives things

2.     d) Healing

3.     c) Application of psychiatric principles in nursing care

4.     a) Schizophrenia

5.     c) 1964

6.     c) 1968

7.     a) Thought broadcasting

8.     b) Paranoid schizophrenia

9.     a) Affective disorder

10. b) Emotional stability

11. d) Severe anxiety

12. a) Women

13. a) Anxiety disorder

14. c) Post-traumatic disorder

15. b) Phobia

16. b) Social phobia

17. a) Social phobia

18. d) Good memory

19. c) Counselling

20. a) Psychotherapy

21. c) Soler

22. c) Agnosia

23. d) Alzheimer’s disease

24. c) Schizoaffective disorder

25. b) Subjective perceived threat

26. d) Valium

27. b) Having disjointed ideas

28. b) Chainama west

29. b) Imipramine

30. b) Trifluoperazine

31. b) Inspecting oneself inwardly

32. c) Mania

33. c) A belief that one's thoughts are being shared by others

34. b) Relational aggression

35. c) Obsessional rumination

36. a) Purposeless imitation of others

37. d) Affect

38. d) Social skill

39. d) Deviance

40. c) Social skills

41. b) Social skills

42. d) All of the above

43. d) Elective

44. b) Termination phase

45. b) Working phase

46. b) Termination phase

47. c) Clang association

48. a) Word salads

49. b) Compulsions

50. b) Socialization




SECTION B: MATCHING ITEMS                            (20 MARKS)





COLUMN I                                            COLUMN II

51.  …Delusions:                               A. Too much ideas flowing together.

52. …Retardation of thought:           B. No thinking in place.

53. …Fragmented thinking:              C. Beating about the bush.

54. ….Circumstantial thinking:          D. disjointed ideas.

55. ….Flight of ideas:                        E. False belief

                                 F. Ideas coming into your mind frequently




COLUMN I                                  COLUMN II

56. ....Mutism:                     G. Senseless speech.

57. ….Echolalia:                 H. Repeating what the interviewer says.

58. ….Neologism:                 I. Formation of own words.

59. ...Word salads:             J. Mixing of words that only make sense to the owner.

60. ...incoherent speech:   K. When someone can’t talk

                                        L. Mokomo







COLUMN I                           COLUMN II

61. Disorientation……                 A. opying what someone else is doing.

62. Compulsion..…                    B. Doing opposite of what you are taught.

63. Negativism….                       C. An act due to a repeated ideas coming

                                                          into your mind.

64. Stereotyped activity...           D. maintaining of awkward posture.

65. Waxy flexibility….                  E. Inability to recognize place, time, date, year/person.



COLUMN I                                    COLUMN II

66. Ambivalence….                      F. Excessive happiness.

67. Depression:....                       G. Reduced affects.

68. Flat affects….                                   H. Unexpected behavior or affect.

69. Incongruent affect….              I. Un-aroused affect

70. Euphoria…….                                  J. Two conflicting ideas at the same time.



Disorders of Thinking: 51. E. Delusions: False belief

52. B. Retardation of thought: No thinking in place

53. D. Fragmented thinking: Disjointed ideas

54. C. Circumstantial thinking: Beating about the bush

55. A. Flight of ideas: Too many ideas flowing together

Disorders of Speech: 56. K. Mutism: When someone can’t talk

57. H. Echolalia: Repeating what the interviewer says

58. I. Neologism: Formation of own words

59. J. Word salads: Mixing of words that only make sense to the owner

60. G. Incoherent speech: Senseless speech

Terms Used in Psychiatry: 61. E. Disorientation: Inability to recognize place, time, date, year/person

62. C. Compulsion: An act due to repeated ideas coming into your mind

63. B. Negativism: Doing opposite of what you are taught

64. A. Stereotyped activity: Copying what someone else is doing

65. D. Waxy flexibility: Maintaining awkward posture

Disorders of Mood or Affect: 66. J. Ambivalence: Two conflicting ideas at the same time

67. G. Depression: Reduced affects

68. I. Flat affects: Un-aroused affect

69. H. Incongruent affect: Unexpected behavior or affect

70. F. Euphoria: Excessive happiness

Top of Form



71. Voluntary admission is the entry of a patient into a psychiatric hospital with his or her……………………….

72. ………admission is an unexpected and sudden entry of a patient into hospital due to a sudden health crisis.

73. …. is the entry and detention of a patient within an institution without his consent.

74. Discharge planning involves working through phases, and in the ………..phase  the admitting nurse and multi-disciplinary team hold a meeting with the client and relatives  in which they together begin to plan  for the patient’s eventual discharge upon recovery.

75. The ………phase is when the patient goes into the community, it is a transition phase in which the patient passes from mental hospital to the community and in which the patient is discharged.

76. During the ……………..phase the community mental health team may be called upon to make a home visit to assess the home environment before a patient goes there.

77. The classic feature of delirium is …………………………………of consciousness

78. ……………………… a perception experienced in the absence of an external stimulus

79. Catatonic schizophrenia is characterized by disorders of………

80. Examples of neuroses include; Anxiety Neurosis, Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis and …………..

81. Depression is categorized as ……or  reactive

82. Decreased sexual activity could be a manifestation of ……………….depression

83. When nursing a patient with suicidal behavior ensure that the………….. is safe for the patient

84. Anxiety and panic disorder can be worsened by intake of……………and drugs

85. Symptoms such as heart palpitations, nausea, diarrhea, dyspnoea are characteristic of …………………………………………...

86. …………..…..  is psychiatric nursing skill which implies watching carefully the way something happens or the way someone does something

87. The…………………………………………is designed to obtain information about the specific aspect of an individual’s mental experiences and behavior at the time of interview .

88. The  …………….. skill is about Inspecting oneself inwardly.

89. ………….…… are a psychiatric clinical feature in which the patient has to do things in a particular order, or a certain number of times.

90. The internal debates in which arguments for and against even the simplest everyday actions are reviewed endlessly are called……….

91. ………….….teach patient step by step way of changing bad behavior and learn good manners.                                                                        

92. ………………… skills are used to help patients change abnormal behaviour   

93. …………..Train patients to express themselves in an appropriate way                          

94. …… ….. help  a client solve a problem successfully        

95. ……….…………is about the reciprocal exchange of information, ideas and feelings             

96. Acting to bring about a desired treatment outcome is known as…therapeutic skills….   

97. Actions nurses take to help, treat or deliver nursing care to clients so that they may recover or get well are known as……………….

98. The leaving of the hospital by a patient which involves a corresponding discharge note is called……………..

99.  An examination that is conducted the first time a patient comes to the health facility with a complaint and may also be conducted upon admission is called………….…

100.       ……….…….. is a process by which complex trends are organized into groups, classes or ranks, in order to put together things that must be similar to each other and to isolate those that are different.


71. Voluntary admission is the entry of a patient into a psychiatric hospital with his or her consent.

72. Emergency admission is an unexpected and sudden entry of a patient into hospital due to a sudden health crisis.

73. Involuntary is the entry and detention of a patient within an institution without his consent.

74. Discharge planning involves working through phases, and in the introduction phase the admitting nurse and multi-disciplinary team hold a meeting with the client and relatives in which they together begin to plan for the patient’s eventual discharge upon recovery.

75. The termination phase is when the patient goes into the community, it is a transition phase in which the patient passes from mental hospital to the community and in which the patient is discharged.

76. During the norming phase the community mental health team may be called upon to make a home visit to assess the home environment before a patient goes there.

77. The classic feature of delirium is clouding of consciousness.

78. Hallucination is a perception experienced in the absence of an external stimulus.

79. Catatonic schizophrenia is characterized by disorders of movement.

80. Examples of neuroses include; Anxiety Neurosis, Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis and Hysterical Neurosis.

81. Depression is categorized as endogenous or reactive.

82. Decreased sexual activity could be a manifestation of endogenous depression.

83. When nursing a patient with suicidal behavior ensure that the environment is safe for the patient.

84. Anxiety and panic disorder can be worsened by intake of caffeine and drugs.

85. Symptoms such as heart palpitations, nausea, diarrhea, dyspnea are characteristic of panic attacks.

86. Observation is a psychiatric nursing skill which implies watching carefully the way something happens or the way someone does something.

87. The mental state examination is designed to obtain information about the specific aspect of an individual’s mental experiences and behavior at the time of interview.

88. The self-awareness skill is about Inspecting oneself inwardly.

89. Compulsions are a psychiatric clinical feature in which the patient has to do things in a particular order, or a certain number of times.

90. The internal debates in which arguments for and against even the simplest everyday actions are reviewed endlessly are called obsessional doubts.

91. Counselling skills teach patients step by step way of changing bad behavior and learn good manners.

92. Behavioural modification skills are used to help patients change abnormal behavior.

93. Communication skills train patients to express themselves in an appropriate way.

94. Problem-solving skills help a client solve a problem successfully.

95. Communication is about the reciprocal exchange of information, ideas and feelings.

96. Acting to bring about a desired treatment outcome is known as therapeutic skills.

97. Actions nurses take to help, treat or deliver nursing care to clients so that they may recover or get well are known as therapeutic interventions.

98. The leaving of the hospital by a patient which involves a corresponding discharge note is called discharge.

99. An examination that is conducted the first time a patient comes to the health facility with a complaint and may also be conducted upon admission is called initial assessment.

100.                 Classification is a process by which complex trends are organized into groups, classes or ranks, in order to put together things that must be similar to each other and to isolate those that are different.

Top of Form





Mr Mbuzi phiri male aged 36 years married with 4 children is admitted to Chainama  Hills Hospital with history of alcohol abuse. The wife said her husband sometimes experiences tremor. He has been suspended at work for absenteeism. The wife explains that he has impaired thinking and hallucinations as well. On examination a provisional diagnosis of alcoholism was made.

A)    State six (6) social effects of alcohol abuse                          20%

B)     Discuss how alcohol abuse can be prevented                    30%

C)     Describe in details the management of Mr. Mbuzi                         50%

A) State six (6) social effects of alcohol abuse:

  1. Family Dysfunction: Alcohol abuse can strain relationships within the family, leading to conflicts, breakdowns in communication, and domestic violence.
  2. Financial Problems: Excessive spending on alcohol can lead to financial instability, affecting the ability to meet household expenses and save for the future.
  3. Social Isolation: Alcohol abuse may lead to withdrawal from social activities and friendships, as individuals prioritize drinking over social interactions.
  4. Legal Issues: Alcohol-related behaviors such as drunk driving or disorderly conduct can result in legal consequences, including fines, license suspension, or even imprisonment.
  5. Employment Issues: Absenteeism, decreased productivity, and job loss can occur due to alcohol abuse, leading to financial strain and unemployment.
  6. Stigmatization: Society often stigmatizes individuals struggling with alcohol abuse, leading to feelings of shame, guilt, and isolation, which can further exacerbate the problem.

B) Discuss how alcohol abuse can be prevented:

  1. Education and Awareness: Promoting awareness about the risks and consequences of alcohol abuse through public health campaigns, school programs, and community events can help prevent alcohol abuse.
  2. Early Intervention: Identifying and addressing risk factors for alcohol abuse early, such as childhood trauma, peer pressure, or mental health issues, can prevent the development of problematic drinking behaviors.
  3. Regulation and Legislation: Implementing policies and regulations, such as minimum legal drinking ages, restricted alcohol advertising, and taxation on alcohol products, can help reduce alcohol consumption and prevent abuse.
  4. Access to Support Services: Providing accessible and affordable support services, including counseling, therapy, and addiction treatment programs, can help individuals struggling with alcohol abuse seek help and overcome their addiction.
  5. Community Support: Building supportive communities that offer alternatives to alcohol-centric socializing, such as sports clubs, hobby groups, and cultural events, can provide individuals with healthy outlets and social connections.
  6. Family Involvement: Educating families about the warning signs of alcohol abuse and encouraging open communication can help create a supportive environment for individuals at risk and facilitate early intervention and treatment.

C) Describe in detail the management of Mr. Mbuzi:

  1. Assessment: Conduct a comprehensive assessment of Mr. Mbuzi's physical health, mental health, social support system, and alcohol use history to develop an individualized treatment plan.
  2. Detoxification: Provide medical supervision and support during the detoxification process to manage withdrawal symptoms safely and effectively, ensuring Mr. Mbuzi's physical stability.
  3. Psychosocial Interventions: Offer counseling, therapy, and support groups to address the underlying factors contributing to Mr. Mbuzi's alcohol abuse, such as stress, trauma, or co-occurring mental health disorders.
  4. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): Consider pharmacological interventions, such as medications to reduce cravings or manage co-occurring mental health symptoms, as part of Mr. Mbuzi's treatment plan.
  5. Relapse Prevention: Develop coping strategies, stress management techniques, and relapse prevention skills to empower Mr. Mbuzi to maintain sobriety and manage triggers and cravings effectively.
  6. Family Therapy: Involve Mr. Mbuzi's family in the treatment process, offering education, counseling, and support to help rebuild relationships, improve communication, and address enabling behaviors.
  7. Aftercare Planning: Develop a comprehensive aftercare plan that includes ongoing support, follow-up appointments, and referrals to community resources to ensure continuity of care and long-term recovery success for Mr. Mbuzi.

Top of Form


1.     Mr. Mutokofita aged 30 years is brought to Chainama Hospital Ward X with history of wondering about and self -neglect for the past 3 months. On admission, the Doctor conduct a Mental State Examination and a diagnosis of Dementia is made

a)      Define Dementia                                                                                                 5 marks

b)     Explain five (5) causes/predisposing factors of Dementia                                  25 marks

c)     State five (5) cardinal signs of Dementia                                                             20 marks

d)     Discuss how you are going to nurse Mr. Mutokofita during his stay in hospital

                                                                                                                             50 marks

a) Define Dementia: Dementia is a progressive neurological disorder characterized by a decline in cognitive function, including memory loss, reasoning, judgment, and language skills, to the extent that it interferes with daily functioning. It is not a specific disease but rather a syndrome caused by various underlying conditions that affect the brain's ability to process information and communicate effectively.

b) Explain five (5) causes/predisposing factors of Dementia:

  1. Alzheimer's Disease: The most common cause of dementia, Alzheimer's disease is characterized by the accumulation of abnormal protein deposits in the brain, leading to the death of brain cells and progressive cognitive decline.
  2. Vascular Dementia: Caused by reduced blood flow to the brain, often due to conditions such as stroke, small vessel disease, or hypertension, vascular dementia results in cognitive impairment related to damage to brain tissue.
  3. Lewy Body Dementia: This type of dementia is characterized by the presence of abnormal protein deposits called Lewy bodies in the brain, leading to symptoms such as visual hallucinations, fluctuating cognition, and motor impairments resembling Parkinson's disease.
  4. Frontotemporal Dementia: This form of dementia is characterized by the degeneration of nerve cells in the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain, resulting in changes in behavior, personality, and language abilities.
  5. Mixed Dementia: Some individuals may have a combination of different types of dementia, such as Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia, which can result in a more complex clinical presentation and progression of symptoms.

c) State five (5) cardinal signs of Dementia:

  1. Memory Loss: Persistent forgetfulness, particularly of recent events or information, is a hallmark symptom of dementia.
  2. Impaired Judgment and Reasoning: Individuals with dementia may have difficulty making decisions, solving problems, and understanding cause-and-effect relationships.
  3. Language and Communication Difficulties: Dementia can affect a person's ability to express themselves verbally, understand spoken or written language, and participate in conversations.
  4. Impaired Visual Perception: Some individuals with dementia may experience difficulties with visual perception, leading to problems with depth perception, object recognition, and spatial awareness.
  5. Changes in Mood and Behavior: Dementia can cause mood swings, irritability, agitation, apathy, and social withdrawal, which can vary depending on the type and stage of the condition.

d) Discuss how you are going to nurse Mr. Mutokofita during his stay in hospital:

  1. Comprehensive Assessment: Conduct a thorough assessment of Mr. Mutokofita's physical health, mental status, cognitive function, and psychosocial needs to develop an individualized care plan.
  2. Person-Centered Care: Provide care that is tailored to Mr. Mutokofita's preferences, abilities, and limitations, respecting his dignity, autonomy, and rights throughout his hospitalization.
  3. Safety Measures: Implement safety precautions to prevent falls, wandering, and self-harm, including environmental modifications, close supervision, and the use of assistive devices.
  4. Medication Management: Administer prescribed medications as ordered, monitor for side effects and therapeutic response, and collaborate with the healthcare team to optimize pharmacological treatment.
  5. Cognitive Stimulation: Engage Mr. Mutokofita in activities that promote cognitive stimulation, such as reminiscence therapy, puzzles, games, and social interactions, to help maintain cognitive function and improve quality of life.
  6. Emotional Support: Offer emotional support and reassurance to Mr. Mutokofita and his family members, addressing feelings of confusion, frustration, and distress associated with dementia.
  7. Nutritional Support: Ensure that Mr. Mutokofita receives adequate nutrition and hydration, monitoring his dietary intake, offering assistance with feeding if necessary, and addressing any swallowing difficulties.
  8. Continuity of Care: Collaborate with interdisciplinary team members, including physicians, nurses, therapists, and social workers, to coordinate care, address complex needs, and facilitate transitions of care during Mr. Mutokofita's hospitalization and discharge planning.



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