1. You have been appointed as a ward manager and you must immediately start
performing your duties
a) Outline any three (3) theories of management 15%
b) Explain any 10 principles of management you are going to reinforce in your ward
c) During your discharge of duties as ward manager, you discover that you have so
many activities to perform and you decide to delegate some activities
ii. State five (5) advantages of delegation 15%
iii. Outline five (5) reasons why some managers are reluctant to delegate 20%
A management theory is a collection of ideas that set forth general rules on how to
manage an organization or a business. A Management theory addresses how
managers and supervisors relate to their organizations in the knowledge of its goals, the
implementation of effective means to get the goals accomplished and how to motivate
employees to perform to the highest.
Management theories are concepts surrounding recommended management strategies.
These may include tools such as frameworks and guidelines that can be implemented in
modern organizations. Generally, professionals will not rely solely on one management
theory alone, but instead, introduce several concepts from different management
theories that best suit their workforce and company culture.
There are many theories of management but for the purpose of revision we shall only
discuss five of them.
Outline any three (3) theories of management (15%)
This theory states that workers' conditions affect the quantity and quality of their work.
The workers' conditions influence the work behavior of employees towards work.
Therefore, management must be concerned with the workers' condition in order to
improve the quantity and quality of work output.
The system management theory views an organization as a system that has interrelated
parts. These parts work or operate as one or a whole in order to achieve a specific goal.
This theory signifies that the manager of an organization should be able to understand
the various parts of the system that makes up the entire operation.
The quantitative management theory focuses on the use of quantitative tools to help
plan and control nearly everything in an organization. A Manager who adopts this
The theory will try to quantify the tasks in his planning of task allocation.
The scientific or classical management theory places emphasis on finding the best
way to perform and manage tasks, simplify tasks, standardization of tasks,
rewarding and punishing employees according to job performance to increase
It focuses on
 Observation and
 Measurement of outcome
Frederick Taylor is recognized as a father of scientific management. He
conducted time and motion studies on time workers, analyze their movements
and set their standards.
Frederick Taylor developed the “scientific management theory” which proposed carefully
specification and measurement of all organizational tasks.
Tasks were standardized as much as possible. Workers were rewarded and punished
according to the job, performance to increase the production or performance of an
This theory states that a leader’s effectiveness is dependent (contingent) on how well
the leader’s style matches a specific setting or situation Fred Fieldler introduced the
contingency model of leadership in the 1960s. He argued that a leadership style will be
effective or ineffective depending on the situation.
Explain any 10 principles of management you are going to reinforce in your ward
Note that this question is not just about stating the principles of management but it also
requires an application. The first part requires you to state the principle while the second
part should address the application aspect of it.
Most managers of organizations base their day to day running of the organizations
using Henry Fayols Principles of Management.
Henry Fayol known as the Father of Management came up with 14 principles of
1. Unity of Command
This principle states that every subordinate should receive orders and be accountable to
one superior. If an employee receives orders from more than one superior, it is likely to
create confusion and conflict. I will reinforce this principle by emphasizing the reporting
system within the ward. I will tell my subordinates to be receiving orders from me as a
ward in charge to avoid confusion.
2. Unity of Direction
This principle states that all those working in the same line of activity must
understand and pursue the same objectives. This principle seeks to ensure unity in
an organization. The entire organization should be moving towards a common
objective in a common direction. I will reinforce this principle by sharing with my
subordinates the objectives of our ward so that everyone must be aware of and contribute
towards their achievement.
3. Scalar Chain/ Chain of Command
Scalar chain refers to the chain of superiors ranging from top management to the
lowest rank. The principle suggests that there should be a clear line of authority from
top to bottom linking all managers at all levels. It is considered a chain of command.
I will reinforce this principle by explaining to my subordinate about the ward
management structure so that everyone can understand the structure.
4. Division of Work
This is the specialization of the workforce according to the skills of a person, creating
specific personal and professional development within the labor force and therefore
increasing productivity. I will reinforce this principle by allocating tasks to my
subordinates according to their skills and abilities.
5. Authority and Responsibility
Authority means the right of a superior to give orders to his subordinates and
responsibility means an obligation for performance. When authority is exercised,
responsibility arises. I reinforce this principle by giving orders to my subordinates so
to enhance the performance of duties.
6. Esprit de Corps
This is maintaining a teamwork spirit. Team spirit helps develop an atmosphere of mutual
trust and understanding. The team increased productivity and effectiveness. I will reinforce
this principle by applying team-building activities.
7. Equity
Employees must be treated kindly and alike, provide equal opportunities and justice
must be enacted to ensure a just workplace. As a manager, I will be fair and impartial
when dealing with my subordinates.
8. Discipline
Discipline refers to obedience to rules, proper conduct in relation to others, and
respect for authority. Discipline is essential for the smooth functioning of all
organizations. I will reinforce discipline by spelling out rules and promoting
compliance with these rules for smooth operations of the ward.
9. Subordination of Individual Interest:
This principle states that the management must put aside personal considerations
and put company objectives first. Therefore the interests of goals of the organization
must prevail over the personal interests of individuals. I will reinforce this principle
by putting the interests of my ward above mine as a ward manager.
10. Remuneration
According to this principle, workers must be paid sufficiently as this is a chief
motivation of employees and therefore greatly influences productivity. The means
and methods of remuneration should be fair, reasonable, and rewarding of effort. I
will reinforce this principle by being an advocate for improved conditions of service
for the motivation of staff.
11. Order: - The principle states that the Material and people should be in the right
place all the time. I will reinforce this principle by encouraging my subordinates to
put materials within the ward in their correct places for easy access and use.
12. Initiative: - Using the initiative of employees can add strength and new ideas to an
organization and employees are likely to take a greater interest in the functioning of
the organization. I will reinforce this principle by encouraging my subordinates to be
innovative as they perform their duties.
13. The Degree of Centralization
Centralization implies the concentration of decision-making authority at the top
management. Sharing authority with lower levels is called decentralization. The
organization should strive to achieve a proper balance.
14. Stability of Tenure of Personnel: - The period of service should not be too short
and employees should not be moved from positions frequently. An employee cannot
render useful service if he is removed before he becomes accustomed to the work
assigned to him.
State five (5) advantages of delegation (15%)
1. It reduces the workload of the manager
2. Makes work easier because of shared responsibilities
3. It allows the manager to concentrate on aspects of the job which require her personal
knowledge experience and skills
4. It promotes staff growth and development
5. There will be less office/work politics where delegation is done properly
Outline five (5) reasons why some managers are reluctant to delegate (20%)
1. Subordinate can mess up the job
Some managers are not willing to delegate because they think that assigning work to a
subordinate may lead to substandard work by the subordinates. This may be due to the
belief that the manager is the only one who can do the job better than anyone else.
2. Fear of Deprivation of Some Duties
Delegation deprives the manager of certain duties that she/he enjoys doing when these
duties are assigned to a subordinate such that some managers will not be very willing to
3. Lack of Confidence in the Subordinates
The manager may be reluctant to delegate due to a lack of confidence in the subordinates
that they will not do the work as the manager would like it to be done
4. Fear that the Subordinate may take Over
Delegation may make the manager feel that the subordinate will take over his/her
job because the subordinate may perform the work better than the manager.
5. Fear of Deprivation from being a boss
Some managers want to feel they are bosses, and delegation deprives them of this
6. Unwillingness to take Risks
The delegation has some risks involved such as doing the work again because it was not
done well hence some managers are unwilling to take the risks involved in
depending on others.
7. Time involved in explaining the task
Delegation requires that the manager takes time to explain the task involved to the
subordinate. For this reason, some managers are reluctant to delegate and prefer just to
do the work.

It is the assignment to another person of formal authority and responsibility for carrying
out specific activities.
The five rights to delegation are:-
1. Right task
2. Right circumstance
3. Right person
4. Right direction/communication
5. Right supervision/evaluation
1. Entrusting work or responsibility to another
2. Entrusting power, authority, and accountability
3. Creating an obligation on part of the person
4. Accepting the delegation to perform in terms of standards
1. When the workload has exceeded the manager's physical and psychological
2. When the supervisor has to go somewhere for sometime
3. When the manager wants subordinates to learn
• Get acceptance and understanding of the subordinates
• Specify goals and objectives
• State the end result expected
• Leave the subordinate to work on her own without interference
• Follow her work privately to check the progress
• Do not delegate the power to discipline
• Responsibility for maintaining morale
• Overall control
• It reduces the workload of the manager
• Makes work easier because of shared responsibilities
• It allows the manager to concentrate on aspects of the job which require her personal
knowledge experience and skills
• It promotes staff growth and development
• There will be less office/work politics where delegation is done properly
(i) Makes work easier.
(ii) Improves efficiency.
(iii) Increases employee effectiveness.
(iv) Develops employees.
(v) Ensures that the right people do the right jobs.
(Subordinate resistance to delegation)
1. Failure of the delegator to see the subordinate’s perspectives
2. Workload assigned are highly challenging both physically and mentally
3. Belief of employees that they are incapable of completing the delegated task
4. Inherent resistance to authority
5. Due to over delegation
6. Low self-confidence and insecurity
7. Vague job description
8. Lack of experience
9. Avoidance of responsibility
 Managers must be willing to give subordinates real freedom to accomplish
delegated tasks.
 Improved communication between managers and subordinates will bring about
high mutual understanding and help make delegation more effective.
 Managers who know their subordinate’s abilities can more realistically decide
which tasks can be generated. Subordinates who are encouraged to use their
abilities and who feel their manager will back them up will in turn be more likely to
accept delegated tasks.
1. Define the task: Confirm in your own mind that the task is suitable to be
delegated. Does it meet the criteria for delegating?
2. Select the individual or team: What are your reasons for delegating to this
person or team? What are they going to get out of it? What are you going to
get out of it?
3. Assess ability and training needs: Is the other person or team of people
capable of doing the task? Do they understand what needs to be done? If
not, you can't delegate.
4. Explain the reasons: You must explain why the job or responsibility is being
delegated. Why to that person or people? What are its importance and
5. State required results: What must be achieved? Clarify understanding by
getting feedback from the other person. How will the task be measured?
Make sure they know how you intend to decide that the job is being
successfully done.
6. Consider resources required: Discuss and agree on what is required to get the
job done. Consider people, location, premises, equipment, money,
materials, and other related activities, and services.
7. Agree on deadlines: When must the job be finished? Or if an ongoing duty,
when are the review dates? When are the reports due? And if the task is
complex and has parts or stages, what are the priorities?
8. Support and communicate: Think about who else needs to know what's
going on, and inform them.
9. Feedback on results: It is essential to let the person know how they are
doing, and whether they have achieved their aims. If not, you must review
with them why things did not go to plan, and deal with the problems. You
must absorb the consequences of failure, and pass on the credit for
the success


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