This is a routine procedure done after third stage of labour in labour ward but is also done in the nursery as part of admission procedure. The aims are;
· To rule out congenital abnormalities
· To rule out birth injuries
· To assess maturity of the baby
ü measure the head circumference (average is 35 cm
ü Check for the moulding of the foetal skull
ü Width of the fontannelles and sutures, bilging of fontanel and wide sutures may indicate hydrocephalus
ü Depression on the skull may imply a fracture
ü Injuries e.g caput succadenium and cephalohaematoma
ü absence of eyebrows
ü Conjuctivalhaemorrage / bleeding
ü Any discharge and squint
ü Check for any deformities e.g.Well formed septum
ü Bleeding from the nose
ü Check for nasal flaring which is a sign of respiratory distress
ü Check for blocked nostrils
ü Bleeding from the mouth
ü Check for tongue tie
ü Abnormalities e.g cleft palate or cleft lip
ü Frothing of the mouth
ü Bleeding from the ears
ü Leakage of CSF through the ears
ü Shape of the lobes to rule out malformations
ü Extra lobe of the ears
ü Check out for abnormalities e.g. congenital goiter
ü Check for meningocele
ü Shape of the chest for symmetry
ü Chest movement during respiration
ü Take apex beat
ü Check breast for swelling and discharge
ü Check for skin colour and presence of rashes
ü Check whether the cord is well ligated
ü Bleeding from the umbilical cord
ü Abdominal abnormalities e.g. hernia
ü For males check for the testis to rule out undescended testis
ü Female check for vaginal discharge, labia should be well formed size of a clitoris
Hip joint
ü Rule out congenital hip dislocation
ü Check if arms and hands are moving freely
ü Rule out dislocation, fractures and Erb’s paralysis
ü Check for equality of the arms and to rule out abnormalities
ü Fingers for webbed and extra digits
ü Legs for equality, abnormalities and movement
ü Rule out tallipes and club foot
ü Abnormalities of the backe.g.spina bifida, myelomeningocele
ü Check for skin colour and septic spots
ü While taking rectal temperature, check for imperforate anus
ü Bruises on the skin or rashes
Check for the following reflexes:
· Sucking reflexes – full term infant sucks the small finger
· Moro reflex – tested by gently lifting the baby up by its fingers from a flat surface and suddenly releasing it. It will respond byspreading its hands then move them together as though hugging.
· Rooting reflex – the baby turns in search of the nipple
· Grasping reflex – it will grasp your finger if you put it in its palm.
· Stepping reflex – when held on a flat surface in standing position, it makes stepping movement.
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