1.     Facilitating learning and setting ground rules

One of the main tasks of the teacher is to establish an appropriate micro culture within the group; this includes the physical environment, the psychological climate and the interactions between the teacher and the groups and between the individual group members. Sometimes the ‘rules’ are assumed and problems are rare, in other instances a teacher may find it helpful to establish ground rules. Simple rules, such as listening to the teacher without constant interruptions, switching off mobile phones and treating others with respect, contributions with respect might have to be reinforced when a teacher is meeting a group for the first time.


2.     Explaining

One of the key skills a teacher needs is how to explain, to give understanding to another person. The most important characteristics of explaining are:

Ø  clarity

Ø  interest

Ø  logical organization

Ø  relevance to learners

Ø  emphasis of important points

Ø  appropriate examples

Ø  clear diagrams and illustrations

Ø  enthusiasm

Ø  short sentences

Ø  direct speech

Ø  appropriate vocabulary

Ø  use of statements to ink points

Ø  responding to learners


  Learners complain about explanations that are:

Ø  given too fast

Ø  confusing and unclear

Ø  disorganized

Ø  contain too much information

Ø  boring

Ø  fail to highlight important points

Ø  patronizing

Ø  too technical


It is important to introduce the topic clearly, establish rapport with the learners and indicate what is to be explained. In closing, you should draw out the main points of the explanation and not include new pieces of information.


3.     Group dynamics

It is vital when dealing with any size or composition of group that the teacher is aware of the ways in groups might interact. Depending on the size of the group, there are certain limitations on the tasks and functions that a particular group might be expected to perform.


4.     Motivator

             The teacher ensures that the learners are motivated in order for maximum learning to take place. A teacher should praise the student when they give a correct answer. He or she should not put off the student for giving a wrong answer but encourage them for having tried.


5.     Role Model

            The teacher is a role model to the learners; she leads by example in all she does e.g. punctuality, dressing, talking and respect. The teacher should be able to possess good personal characteristics so that students can copy good morals. 


6.     Counselor

The teacher should be able to give counsel or guidance to students when they are not obedient or misbehaving so that the students are helped in to realize their goals. This is done through guided counseling.  He guides the students to choose their careers of choice.


The teacher should give opportunities to the learner to use the newly acquired knowledge and skills in many situations


The teacher should give the learner opportunity to evaluate her performance and to present the evaluation to the teacher for suggestions.   


The teacher directs students to systematically participate in the learning activities or experience.


It is the teacher`s responsibilities to arrange to the activities or subject content in the best possible sequence to increase the possibilities of learning taking place.




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