

  ADVOCACY a) Definitions: i. Advocacy (5%): Advocacy is the act of supporting, defending, or speaking on behalf of others, particularly to ensure their rights, needs, or interests are recognized and addressed. In nursing, advocacy involves promoting and protecting the health, well-being, and rights of patients. ii. Lobbying (5%): Lobbying refers to the process of influencing decision-makers, particularly in government or organizations, to support or oppose specific policies or actions. In the context of nursing, lobbying may involve efforts to influence healthcare policies that impact patient care or the nursing profession. iii. Four Areas of Nurse Advocacy in Relation to Patient Care (10%): Patient Rights Advocacy : Ensuring patients’ rights are upheld, including informed consent, confidentiality, and autonomy in decision-making. Ethical Care Advocacy : Promoting ethical care by ensuring treatments and decisions respect the patient’s values and wishes. Health Education Advocacy :

Underwater Seal Drainage

  Underwater Seal Drainage Nursing Management of Underwater Seal Drainage Monitoring Drainage : Volume, Color, and Consistency : Nurses should regularly assess the amount, color, and nature of the drainage. Blood, pus, or fluid that appears abnormal may indicate complications. Air Leaks : Continuous bubbling in the water seal chamber indicates an air leak, which may suggest a persistent pneumothorax or an issue with the tubing or chest wall connection. Maintaining the Drainage System : Ensure Patency : Check that the tubing is not kinked or clamped unnecessarily, which could impede drainage or cause pressure buildup. Keep the Drainage System Below Chest Level : This prevents backflow of air or fluid into the chest. Securing the Chest Tube : Ensure that the chest tube is well-secured to the patient to avoid dislodgement or accidental removal. Observing Respiratory Status : Breathing Pattern : Monitor the patient's respiratory effort, rate, and depth. Difficulty breathing, cyanosis,


  MOTIVATION AND PROBLEM-SOLVING a) Definition of Motivation (5%) Motivation refers to the internal and external forces that initiate, direct, and sustain behavior toward achieving a goal. It is the process that influences individuals to take action, persist in certain behaviors, and put effort into achieving personal or organizational objectives. In the workplace, motivation drives employees to be productive, creative, and committed. b) Five Reasons That Can Lead to Low Staff Morale (25%) Poor Leadership and Management : Ineffective leadership, lack of communication, and inconsistent decision-making can lead to confusion and dissatisfaction among staff. If staff do not feel supported or valued by their leaders, their morale can decline. Work Overload : When staff members are given too much work with inadequate resources or support, it can lead to burnout and frustration. Prolonged overwork without sufficient rest or reward contributes to low morale. Lack of Recognition and Appreciati

Defense mechanisms

Defense mechanisms  Defense mechanisms are unconscious psychological strategies that individuals use to protect themselves from anxiety or uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. These mechanisms can help mitigate distress, but they can also distort reality, potentially leading to maladaptive behaviors if overused. Here are some common defense mechanisms: Repression : Involves unconsciously blocking unwanted thoughts, memories, or feelings from conscious awareness. For example, a person who has experienced trauma might not remember the event because it's too painful to think about. Denial : Refusing to accept reality or facts, thus avoiding painful feelings or events. For example, someone with a serious illness might deny the severity of their condition. Projection : Attributing one's own undesirable thoughts, feelings, or motives onto another person. For instance, someone who feels hostile towards others might accuse others of being hostile toward them. Rationalization : Justifyi


  CONFLICT MANAGEMENT AND  DECISION MAKING a) Definitions (10%) i. Conflict (5%) Conflict refers to a disagreement or clash between individuals or groups due to differing needs, values, beliefs, interests, or goals. It can manifest as a struggle for power, resources, or recognition and can arise in various contexts, including workplaces, relationships, and communities. ii. Conflict Management (5%) Conflict management involves the process of identifying and addressing disputes or disagreements constructively. It includes strategies and techniques to minimize the negative aspects of conflict while maximizing the positive outcomes, aiming to achieve resolution and restore relationships between the parties involved. b) Sources and Methods of Resolving Conflict i. Five Sources of Conflict (10%) Differing Values and Beliefs Conflicts can arise from fundamental differences in personal or professional values, ethics, and beliefs among individuals or groups. Role Ambiguity Unclear roles and


  CONFLICT MANAGEMENT AND      DECISION MAKING Five Common Causes of Conflicts (15%) Communication Breakdown Poor communication or misunderstandings can easily lead to conflicts, especially if individuals are unclear about expectations, responsibilities, or decisions. Differences in Values and Beliefs When individuals have differing values, beliefs, or priorities, they may struggle to understand each other's perspectives, leading to disagreements. Resource Competition Limited resources such as time, staff, or equipment can create tension between individuals or departments competing for those resources. Personality Clashes Differences in personality types or working styles can cause friction, especially if individuals have contrasting approaches to work, communication, or leadership. Role Ambiguity Conflicts often arise when roles and responsibilities are not clearly defined, leading to confusion over who should perform specific tasks or make decisions. b) Five Conflict Resolution M