Cataract Nursing Care Plan
Cataract Nursing Care Plan Nursing Assessment Activity / Rest: The change from the usual activities / hobbies in connection with visual impairment. Neurosensory: Impaired vision blurred / not clear, bright light causes glare with a gradual loss of peripheral vision, difficulty focusing work with closely or feel the dark room. Vision cloudy / blurry, looking halo / rainbow around the beam, changes eyeglasses, medication does not improve vision, photophobia (acute glaucoma). Signs: Looks brownish or milky white in the pupil (cataract), the pupil narrows and red / hard eye and a cloudy cornea (glaucoma emergency, increased tears) Pain / Leisure: Discomfort light / watery eyes. Sudden pain / heavy persist or pressure on or around the eyes, headaches. Nursing Diagnosis Anxiety related to lack of knowledge. Goal Lowering the emotional stress, fear and depression. Acceptance and understanding instructions surgery. Nursing Interventions Assess the degree and duration of visual impairment...