BIRTH INJURIES Birth injuries refer to trauma that a foetus sustains during birth. The structures commonly involved are muscles, nerves, bones, visceral organs and skin. types of birth injuries 1. Internal organ injuries – spleen, liver, adrenal glands 2. Nerve injury –mostly brachial plexus leading to Erb’s palsy 3. Soft tissue injury –intracranial haemorrage, skull fractures 4. Extracranial injuries –cephalohaematoma,caputsuccadenium. predisposing factors Ø Prematurity Ø Large for dates Ø Cephalo pelvic disproportion Ø Malpresentation Ø Congenital malformation e.g. hydrocephalus CAPUT SUCCADENIUM AND CEPHALOHAEMATOMA Caput succadenium – is an oedematous swelling due to accumulation of serum fluid under the foetal scalp. It results from pressure between the foetal skull and pelvic bones during delivery that leads to reduced venous blood and lymphatic drainage and part of the serum escapes into the tissues. The swelling is ...